From $1,801 to $4,459 per email [case study]

If you wanna know how to generate more revenue per email by mailing to FEWER people on your list, then this email will show you exactly how to do that. (And why you should do so.)

Here’s the story:

A client was making $1,801.50 per email.

They were mailing to their full list on every send.

Last week I carved out a segment of 383 people on their list and wrote a targeted email for that tiny sub-list.

The result?

This targeted email produced $4,459.97.

Almost 2.5x more than their historical average! Even though it went out to a small sliver of their audience.

How I did it:

  • I tagged subscribers who had bought Product A as “Product A Buyers”. (Product details redacted for client confidentiality.)
  • Then I asked myself, “what OTHER product(s) would this pool of customers benefit from?”
    • I shortlisted 4 complementary products from my client’s catalog.
    • (Note: if you only sell 1 product, you can procure affiliate products and use this same strategy.)
  • Then I sent out an email to the effect of…


“You’re receiving this email because you bought Product A.

So I wanted to let you know about the following resources that could help you [get desired outcome] faster:

[insert bulleted menu describing the 4 complementary products].”


That’s it.

Will I win a Pulitzer Prize for this email? No, but it worked!

Now you might be thinking:

“What if no one (or very few people) on my list have bought anything from me… won’t my ‘Buyers’ segment be too small to make this worthwhile?”

Here’s what to do in that case:

  • Create a segment of people who have CLICKED over to your product page – but haven’t bought yet.
  • These subscribers are warmer leads than those who haven’t clicked a link. So you can get away with following up with them more directly.
  • Then send these link-clickers an email to the effect of…


“Hey I noticed you were checking out Product A.

Did you have any questions about it? If so, hit reply and let me know.

Either way, here’s [some more info / a special offer] if you want to come back and complete your order…

[insert more info / a special offer]


Now I realize these emails ^ might sound overly salesy.

And for the record, I typically do NOT advise writing such direct, product-centric emails. Instead, most of your emails should be about your reader, and their goals and challenges.

(I teach my value-first, “4 building blocks” email writing method in 30-Minute Emails…)

But this is exactly WHY segmenting your list is so useful:

It allows you to follow up more directly with only those folks who want to be followed up with more directly… while not bothering the vast majority of your subscribers who DON’T want that.

The principle is simple:

  • Carve out pockets of relatively-warm leads on your list – e.g., buyers or link-clickers – and;
  • Send them relatively direct emails every so often.
    • If someone has clicked a link or bought one of your products, then it’s safe to assume they might WANT what you’re selling.
    • So when mailing these “warm” segments, don’t be shy about talking plainly about your offerings.

Best regards,
Dylan Bridger

P.S. if you found this issue helpful, here are some more ways I can support you:

• 30-Minute Emails: Discover my secret method on how to craft killer emails in 30 minutes or less – even if you have no ideas, no experience, or no email writing process.

• 1-on-1 Coaching: Get personalized support in my flagship 30-day program where I help coaches and course creators generate more income from their email lists.

• Apply to hire me to write your emails or landing page copy FOR you.