Which coaching format is best? (My hot take.)

If you’re wondering which coaching format is best for your practice, here’s a quick tale that might inspire you.

Last week, I picked up a copy of The New York Times at a corner store.

I bought it on impulse because the cover story caught my eye. And I realized I haven’t seen – let alone bought – a traditional newspaper in a long time.

Which inspired a tweet, that might resonate with you:

“You don’t buy the newspaper for the paper.

You buy it for the news.

You don’t buy coaching for the format.

You buy it for the transformation.”

(You can view the original tweet here if you want.)

Coaching format: the bottom line

​So, if you find yourself humming and hawing over the best format to deliver your transformation in (e.g., a checklist versus a video versus a cohort, etc.)…

Remember: the format doesn’t matter as much as the transformation itself.

Crush it this week,

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