How I got a surge of email subs w/ 1 social post

If you want more email subs with less effort, and without paying for them, then this might be the most important email you read all day.

Here’s why…

Last week, I hopped on the bandwagon and created a Threads account.

(Side note: are you on Threads? If so, let’s connect there and be Threads friends! I’m @dylan_bridger_ )

Unsure about what to post, I published the following blatant plug for my email list.

And the results were shocking… (explained below).

Here’s the post:


“The 3rd email of my welcome sequence generates the vast majority (over 90%) of my email-based lead flow.

If you sell coaching or any high-ticket service, I bet you could model it to get more leads.

This email has been running for many months, unchanged…

And every month it brings me eager clients – with predictability.

(Signed a client 2 weeks ago because of it.)

Wanna read it? 👀

  1. Go to the link in my bio.
  2. Opt in for free.
  3. Study the 3rd email you receive from me.

Hope it helps! 🤝”


In just 24 hours, it caused a spike in email subscribers:

newsletter subscriber chart

Plus, for what it’s worth, a lot of creators gave me kudos for the pitch!

Like this:

comment on my newsletter plug post

And this:

best signup pitch feedback

And this…

newsletter signup pitch feedback

Now if you’re thinking, “that sounds good, but I’m not on Threads…”

Note that I also cross-posted the pitch to Twitter and got great results there, too. So this isn’t just a Threads phenomenon.

Moving on to the reason I’m reaching out to you today…

I figured YOU can model the script above to promote your newsletter, and get a surge of new subscribers!

So if you’re interested, I reverse-engineered and templatized the key persuasive elements of the pitch for you below.

In fact, I’m giving you TWO fill-in-the-blanks templates:

1) To promote your LEAD MAGNET, and;

2) To promote the CONTENT OF ONE OF THE EMAILS IN YOUR WELCOME SEQUENCE (like I did in the example above).

Feel free to steal the example(s) that’s most relevant to you!


Fill-in-the-blank template to promote your LEAD MAGNET:

“My [LEAD MAGNET DESCRIPTION – e.g., ‘classical guitar playing checklist’][DESCRIBE THE OUTCOME OF USING IT – e.g., ‘has helped XYZ new classical guitarists master their posture in record time].

If you [CALL OUT YOUR IDEAL PERSONA – e.g., ‘are a beginner classical guitarist’], I bet you could use it to [DESCRIBE MAIN BENEFIT – e.g., ‘learn the basics in a way that isn’t agonizingly boring’].

[INSERT A MINI STORY ABOUT THE OFFERING – e.g., ‘As a self-taught classical guitar player, I had to learn the hard way. But now you can download my hard-won insights with 1-click – and at no cost…’]

To claim your copy right now, do this:

[INSERT INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO CLAIM THEIR COPY – e.g., “Head to my bio link, opt in for free, and I’ll send you a copy within seconds! (Unsubscribe at any time.)’]


Fill-in-the-blank template to promote the CONTENT OF ONE OF THE EMAILS IN YOUR WELCOME SEQUENCE:

“The Xth email of my welcome sequence [DESCRIBE THE BENEFIT OF READING THAT PARTICULAR EMAIL – e.g., ‘gives you a 3-step hand-stretching exercise that ALL classical guitarists MUST include in their daily practice… to avoid long-term damage.’].

If you [CALL OUT YOUR IDEAL PERSONA – e.g., ‘are a beginner classical guitarist’], I bet you could use it to [DESCRIBE MAIN BENEFIT – e.g., ‘prevent strain and improve your playing.’].

[INSERT A MINI STORY ABOUT THE PARTICULAR EMAIL YOU’RE ALLUDING TO – e.g., ‘I learned this hand-stretching exercise when it was already too late. The doc looked up from his clipboard and said, ‘You gotta lay off the guitar for 3 weeks, son.’ With a recital coming up in days, it was devastating. Luckily, now you don’t need to repeat my mistake…’]

To read the exercise instructions, do this:

[INSERT INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO ACCESS THE CONTENT – e.g., “Head to my bio link, opt in for free, and look out for the Xth email you’ll receive from me.’]


Happy list-building! 🙂

Dylan Bridger


P.S. Did you get value from this email?

If so, you’d probably dig 30-Minute Emails. For just $50, you’ll learn:

  • My unique 4-step “building blocks” process for writing engaging emails in record time… which saves me hours of agony every time I write an email.
  • A detailed, step-by-step walkthrough of the 4 building blocks prep process, assuming you sell a $97 course. (The same principle applies to non-course sellers too!)
  • The anatomy of a great marketing email. (Steal the structure I use for 99% of my emails – including 3 line-by-line examples and teardowns!)
  • How to write a great subject line (includes 7 subject line frameworks you can use right away).
  • The one and only hook (i.e. first paragraph) you need to know to craft incredibly compelling emails that GLUE your readers to the screen. (If I could only write one hook for the rest of my life, it would be this one…)

181 other creators, coaches, and marketers have bought it and said things like this:

testimonial for 30-Minute Emails

It has a 4.9-star rating on Gumroad, so it’s not perfect – but it’s pretty solid.

⇒ Start writing great emails faster than ever here.


P.P.S. you might be wondering, “what’s the difference between this course and your other course, 5-Day Email Sprint”?

The short, candid answer:

I’m thinking about consolidating these 2 courses into one more comprehensive (and more expensive) program eventually.

But until then…

You can think of 30-Minute Emails as “Volume 1”, and 5-Day Email Sprint as “Volume 2”.

The latter builds on the former and gives you some more nuanced, specific, and advanced instructions. But you can benefit from each course independent of each other.

(If you have questions about this, hit reply and I’ll give you a recommendation!)