6 launch sequence tips for course creators

Received a great question today from someone who’s launching a cohort-based course:

“I already got the [launch] emails in place… but got any tips for me? It might help me edit the emails and even create more.”

My response:

“A few tips off the top of my head, in no particular order:

  1. Go hard on deadline day (you probs already know that). Send 3-5 emails on that day if you can.
  2. Throughout the launch, think of every possible objection and handle them in the emails. You can do 1 objection per email, or multiple objections in one email (i.e., a mini-FAQ inside an email)
  3. Talk about success stories relevant to your offering. The more of those, the merrier.
  4. Teach mini lessons in your emails that are inherently valuable – but withhold key details that are inside the cohort. And use that tension to propel people to enroll.
  5. Make any payment plans crystal clear, if applicable. This might warrant its own email.
  6. Update your list with real-time stats from the launch as it starts picking up. This creates a natural sense of FOMO, community, and authenticity.”

And here’s a bonus tip:

Make sure that somewhere in your launch sequence – preferably in just about every email – you frame the PROBLEM your course solves. (i.e., answer the question, “Why should I buy this?”)

Happy emailing,

Dylan Bridger